In the hundreds of meters of coal mines, in the event of an accident, people are more expecting a miracle. Nowadays, a safe hedging system relying on refuge chambers is being piloted in domestic coal mines, which will win more precious time for the rescue of miners after the accident.
In fact, the diverticulum can be seen everywhere in the coal mine roadway, it is a small space dug in the rock mass on both sides of the roadway. As a permanent refuge chamber, not only the space is more spacious, but also various emergency life-saving facilities inside. The diverticulum opening is clearly marked, and the first protective door that can withstand the large shock wave is opened, and a transition chamber similar to the spacecraft decompression chamber is entered. Further inside is a living room that can be isolated from toxic and harmful gases, but must be removed after removing harmful gases from the transition chamber. Various sensors and surveillance cameras are installed on the walls of the interior of the room. The room is equipped with oxygen supply equipment, carbon dioxide adsorbent, compressed biscuits, mineral water, medicines, light sticks, etc., and is equipped with a bathroom, and a protective closed door. There is an observation window. According to Wang Xin, chairman of Yankuang Group, a permanent refuge chamber with an investment of about two or three million yuan can be used for emergency evacuation of 100 people for 96 hours. The temporary refuge chambers set up in each working face are only about 200,000 yuan, which can be used for emergency evacuation from 20 to 40 people. Of course, the space for these temporary shelters is relatively small, only about 20 square meters, but the facilities inside are also complete. The staff said that underground emergency shelters including refuge chambers, transition stations and lifelines are When a disaster occurs underground, a distressed person who cannot evacuate in time guarantees a space for life and safety. The reporter saw in the permanent refuge chamber, in order to achieve ground emergency rescue, there is also a drill hole directly to the ground, which can provide pressure, water supply, power supply, communication and liquid food for the refuge chamber. Moreover, all the refuge chambers along the auxiliary shaft are equipped with life ropes on the chest-high walls, and the trapped miners can escape the danger in a dark environment. Through the positioning system provided by the miners, the ground dispatching command center can know the number and distribution of the underground personnel in real time, and can notify the evacuated personnel to evacuate through the sound and light alarm mode; when the underground personnel encounter dangerous situations, they can also actively call the ground for help. signal. At present, about 95% of coal mines in China are wells and mines, and the mining conditions are complex. With the increase of mining depth, disasters such as coal mine gas, flooding and impact pressure are becoming more and more prominent. The State Council issued a notice in July 2010 that coal mines and non-coal mines should complete technical equipment such as installation monitoring and monitoring system, underground personnel positioning system, emergency risk avoidance system, pressure self-rescue system, water supply rescue system and communication contact system within three years. The safe hedging system based on the refuge chamber has improved the ability of coal mine disaster prevention and control and emergency rescue, which can reduce the risk of accidents and ensure the safety of employees.